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  • Countries where convicted felons CAN'T enter.. Will that help president Trump or hurt him?


    What is "abuse of free speech"? The term is an oxymoron. It is like saying "abuse of healthy diet". And just like a healthy diet only threatens people who do not have a healthy diet and feel inferior to those who do, free speech only threatens those who themselves do not have much to say. Props to Elon Musk for saying out loud what he and many other people think, despite countless threats of investors to sell his companies' stocks (which have been soaring; props to him again).

    Abuse of our First Amendment rights - I thought I said. I believe we are all abusing our 1A rights by pushing the boundaries - by having free reign to express anything without guidelines. Lack of decorum. I disagree with your opinion of Musk. He is abusing his bully pulpit to benefit himself while potentially harming society. If this sounds harmless to you, or if it sounds immoral but legal and it´s okay, then welcome to the new America where morality doesn´t matter.

    In the modern world everyone is affected by virtually every country. Of course things happening in Russia, China and Iran affect Trump's campaign; they also affect Biden's campaign, and Macron's campaign, and everyone else's campaign.
    China especially is a funny case. Back in the day Trump threatened to increase tariffs on Chinese imports, and he was called "racist" and "nationalist" for that. 4 weeks ago Biden increased tariffs on a large number of Chinese imports, and I have yet to hear anyone call him "racist" or "nationalist" for that.

    Biden is not a racist. Trump? 

    Which illustrates my point once again: "dangerous speech" is only the speech that one dislikes. Often it can be the exact same speech, but because it is made by someone you dislike, it becomes "dangerous".

    You are much younger than me. You obviously have not witnessed America when decorum and decency was important and a deal breaker when electing presidents. You have perhaps not witnessed America without social media. I disagree that dangerous speech is only speech that´s disliked. Before the insurrection Trump repeatedly encouraged his supporters on Twitter to show up for the big protest. He said ¨we´re going to take what they did to us on Nov. 3. We´re going to take it back." And right before the insurrection he praised his supporters for being there to ¨save our democracy¨ and said ¨we´re going to walk down to the have to show strength, and you have to be strong.¨ As president he allowed Guiliani to incite his supporters by saying ¨Let´s do trial by combat¨. What happened after that? And please don´t tell me this was said innocently. Trump´s history suggests otherwise.

    Regardless, as I said, this is not what this thread is about. I would like to discuss what I expressed in my first comment. Claims that Trump is going to destroy democracy if elected (given that he did not do that when he was elected) I find to not be worth commenting on.

    Trump has already started to destroy democracy by inciting his supporters to criminally stop the peaceful transfer of power. When he reigned in 2016-2020, he had at least some decorum of decent aides. 2025? There is already in place a 1000 page manifesto in place - project 2025. He´s already setting up his cabinet behind the scenes - his ¨foot soldiers¨. He is already ¨interviewing¨ people for positions in his cabinet. Ya know the people that have been promised a position in his cabinet like Musk. The people who are so knee deep in the election stealing lies that there is no turning back.  The people who are so afraid if they turn against trump that he will destroy them.
  • Are Republicans America's Main Problem?

    Republicans want to ban hormonal birth control, which is an absolute fundamental human right. People with uteruses are going to die under Republicans because if they have endometriosis and need birth control to be able to treat it, they won't be able to. Republicans also want to suppress voting rights as well as votes. They also want to ban gay rights, trans rights, and intersex rights, too. A lot of Republican politicians are banning gender affirming therapy for people under 18, as well as just wanting to ban gender affirming therapy completely. Trans people are going to possibly develop mental health issues, and commit suicide altogether. Republicans also want to ban gay marriage. They also have been making intersex people's names unrecognizable on their birth certificates, which intersex people obviously did not choose to be born the way they were. They have also been banning books and passing "Don't Say Gay" laws in place. They have also been doing a lot of non-free speech things, like making it defamation to call our someone on racism. This has happened in Florida before by the Republicans. They also have been stripping people of healthcare. This has happened in Florida, too. Republicans are just dictators.
  • Are Republicans America's Main Problem?

    Yes.  They are a threat to democracy.   For modern Republicans, democracy only works — and is only worth it — when and if they win.  Republicans have searched for multiple election cycles for the right vehicle and packaging for their white nationalism, religious nationalism, nativism, craven capitalism, and sexism.
  • Countries where convicted felons CAN'T enter.. Will that help president Trump or hurt him?


    You speak as though Biden is innocent of crimes. Let’s persecute him for two years and see what actual capital offenses he’s committed. You know he has or your ignorant of reality and just think Trump is icky? 

    I am interested in your comments on Biden´s crimes. What crimes has Biden committed? Are you asserting that this is a witch hunt and time was wasted on these offenses? The jury found him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Fair trial, fair judge, fair jurors. And no, Biden has not committed crimes. Again, provide proof of these crimes please. Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records to affect the outcome of the election. That is a crime. Merchan clearly stated to his jurors clearly that it must be beyond a reasonable doubt. I believe you may be ignorant of reality. He will be found guilty of other crimes also. I´m not sure of the bizarre hold trump has on his supporters but it´s clearly disturbing and perhaps you should read about false prophets and cult leaders to give you some insight into this.


    most those countries you listed would welcome Trump no matter what criminal record he has. Whether they be liberal or conservative governments both have greed in common and both pit populations against one another. 

    So you accept that countries have greed in common and that´s why they would welcome Trump? That you say that so freely is concerning in itself. Honestly, I´m embarrassed for you and your unwavering support for a dangerous and narcissistic fraud. You have been bamboozled and manipulated by a man who claims he can fix everything. He is a fraud and except for a few moral politicians (Cheney, Kinsinger, Romney), he has his immoral republican politicians so afraid that he will ruin their careers that they jumped on the fealty wagon. Disgusting. If you are able, please make sure you watch the debates and set aside your 100% loyalty of Trump that he demands. Listen to what he says carefully and decide fairly if you believe he actually is qualified for the job of President of the United States - a president that will work for ALL Americans and not just his loyal sycophants.

  • Where's The Line Between Patriotism and Demented Nationalism?

    Christian nationalism is a grave threat
    Charles de Gaulle said:  "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism when hate for people other than your own comes first."
  • Jesus our Messiah, His Deity, Your Salvation from death in Hell?


    So explain rationally, what twisted god punk a*s b*tch has  "judgments where to survive, people ate their children..."

    Jesus sacrificing himself to himself to save us from himself because of a  rule he made himself - iFunny
  • Are Republicans America's Main Problem?

    Racism is so entrenched in the thinking and policies of Democrats that it is not an aberration, but a feature of who they are and what they support. 

    Hello just:

    Black voters remain largely aligned with the Democratic Party (83% identify with or lean to the Democrats), and 77% of Black registered voters say they would prefer to vote for Biden over Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

    For the longest time, I've heard right wing voters SAY that black people support right wingers MORE than they ever did.  The only problem with that, is that black voters don't agree.  And, if you really wanna be racist, you'd say black people don't really know what's best for them, and you do.


  • Are Republicans America's Main Problem?

    It is the Democrats who have a racism issue.  They were angry when the Supreme Court struct down the racist Affirmative Action policy that discriminated against whites and Asians for being white and Asian.  I'm sure Democrats think their racism is good racism, but its just racism.  Democrats have ignored how their AA policies have doubled the rate of drop out of Black students because they were placed in programs that they were not ready for the academic rigor, just so racist universities could virtue signal.  This past week, 

    'A Failed Medical School': How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA

    Democrats have supported racist DEI policies which discriminate on the basis of race in hiring, promotions, giving recognition, benefits, awards, scholarships, contracts and grants.  Democrats oppose equality and meritocracy. Instead they openly champion racism.  To do this they must reduce individuals to just an automaton of their race and ignore them as an individual.  This is blatant racism that many Democrats say is good racism.

    Democrats support discriminating against poor Black children trapped in bad Democrat controlled public schools from having educational freedom.  Instead of allowing Black children to go to a good voucher school, Democrats insist that these kids remained chained to public schools which have been bad for 50 or more years.  We all understand how keeping poor Black kids trapped in bad public schools helps teacher unions, and Democrat politicians, who get a lot of donations from teacher unions, but how does it help that poor Black child.

    Illegal labor costs young Black male workers the most.  Even Obama's own Civil Rights Commission on Illegal Immigration claimed that illegal labor costs the average Black worker between $1,000 - $,2000 a year in lost wages.  Yet, Democrats have ignored laws about illegal entry into the US and have made their cities sanctuaries where immigration laws are ignored.  Why is it just to steal $1,000 - 2,000 out of a Black man's wallet every year?  

    Even Bill Maher spoke out and addressed a lie that leftists say that conservatives are anti-Jewish.  He rightly pointed out that the vast amount of anti-Semitism is coming from the left in the US.  The left supports racist and bigoted BDS programs which target Jewish owned businesses in Israel, which are not targeting Palestinian owned businesses in the same neighborhoods.  This is targeted racism and bigotry and it is supported by Democrats.  

    Racism is so entrenched in the thinking and policies of Democrats that it is not an aberration, but a feature of who they are and what they support. 
  • Are Republicans America's Main Problem?

    Just watch...Republicans will nominate a convicted for the presidency.
  • Where's The Line Between Patriotism and Demented Nationalism?

    Christian nationalism is a grave threat
    Charles de Gaulle said:  "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism when hate for people other than your own comes first."

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